Erika & Matt
April 9, 2023

Lincoln Park, Chicago IL

It was a beautiful afternoon in Chicago on Easter Day when Matt and Erika headed to a Chicago Bulls game at noon. As the game was winding down, Matt was nervous about being late for the proposal he had planned for 3:30 pm, so he made an excuse to leave early. After changing clothes at the hotel, Matt and Erika headed for a stroll in Lincoln Park to enjoy the nice weather. As they approached the bridge, the photographer Matt had hired was on the lookout, and as the couple approached, he shouted, "Excuse me, are you, Alex and Allison?"

Erika was confused hearing this, so Matt replied that they were not. The photographer asked if they minded taking a few photos so that he could test his lighting for the fake shoot for Alex and Allison. They proceeded to help the photographer "test his lighting," which was all a part of the plan! From there, they took a few photos, and when the lighting was proper, they were thanked for their help and told to have a nice day.

As they turned to walk away, Matt reached out to grab Erika's hand and go down to one knee. He asked Erika to marry him while the photographer captured the special moment. After hearing the much anticipated and prayed-for "yes" from Erika, the photographer could finally break character and share a laugh with them as they talked about the surprise and set up of the proposal. Following this, Matt and Erika took engagement photos for an hour before heading to their dinner reservation and sharing the exciting news with their family and friends!

2.01 Oval set in 18kt white gold

May 18, 2024

Sioux Falls, SD