Madelyn & Anthony
February 5, 2023

Garfield Park Conservatory

When one of my favorite artists announced they were going to have a concert stop in Chicago, I immediately knew we would be flying out there no matter what. It was also a happy coincidence that the same weekend, we would be celebrating our 6 year anniversary together, so a small trip to Chicago seemed like a great way to celebrate! The concert was amazing, and we spent the weekend walking around downtown Chicago. We were able to go to the Lincoln Park Zoo (which Anthony later told me he almost proposed at) and visit the Bea, despite the cold and windy temps. We had intended to go to the Garfield Park Conservatory after the zoo on Saturday the 4th, but tickets were sold out. Fortunately, we were able to squeeze it in on Sunday before our flight, and lucky that we did! The morning of our anniversary, we spent a few hours enjoying the warmth of the conservatory and admiring all the beautiful plants. I was getting kind of tired and more people were entering, so I was about ready to go. But Anthony kept wanting to go back to rooms we had been in and asking me random questions like "you know you're my best friend right?" A few times he had me set my phone in rocks so we could take pictures which he never asks for (suspicious!) We were in a little secluded area where there were no people and as I was admire a pond, he was behind me and asked if he could ask me a question. I turned around and he was on one knee, and I was instantly in tears as he asked me to marry him. We kissed and hugged as I cried, and it was beautiful.

oval solitaire diamond with hidden halo in white gold

September 17, 2024

The Vaughan House