Jen & Dane Proposal Story
July 12, 2024

My parent's backyard; Jefferson, SD

Dane and I had been together a little over 2 years at the time. We had talked about getting married and had even decided to custom design an engagement ring together. He had told me it was important for him to plan a big surprise engagement for me and he wanted to include our families and friends as much as we could for the engagement. About a month before we got engaged, we decided together that since most of our family and friends were going to be there and we knew we wanted to do a spontaneous wedding anyways, we might as well get engaged and married on the same weekend! So, I knew we were going to get engaged and married, just didn't know any of the details.

The weekend it ended up happening, I had plans to visit my family in eastern SD. Dane had told me he wasn't able to come with me because they were busy cutting and baling hay on the farm. I had a little suspicion early in the week because his sister was flying out to "visit her boyfriend" who happened to live in the area, but by the time Friday rolled around, I was positive that it wasn't happening that weekend.

However, when my sister and I got to my parent's house that evening, he was there waiting for me. He had a whole speech rehearsed and asked me to marry him! The next day, we got married in the same location he proposed. He had called and coordinated everything with all of our friends and family and, with the help of my family, planned a perfect little ceremony complete with delicious food, gorgeous flowers, drinks, and even a beautiful wedding cake. We plan to have another ceremony and reception in a few years when his parents are able to come celebrate with us from South Africa.

Custom white gold band with cathedral set center oval diamond and two round accent diamonds

July 13, 2024

My parent's backyard; Jefferson, SD